Successful Marketing Ideas for Photographers - Find Out the "Whys"
Marketing ideas for photographers don't always seem as obvious as taking photographs for many photographers. Whether experienced or amateur, developing and implementing successful marketing ideas for photographers challenges most photographers. Too often, photographers that implement their marketing activities are under the mistaken impression that "any" business marketing idea will do. Unfortunately, most of us photographers find out too late that just "any" business marketing idea won't do!
There is a considerable amount of information available about small business marketing ideas - including a considerable amount of great marketing ideas and information about marketing photography. Sometimes, the amount of information available is too overwhelming! Without oversimplifying the process, I want to offer some very simple, but significant marketing "must-do's" that most photographers (as well as most business people) do not fully understand.
Any successful small business marketing ideas, whether they're marketing ideas for photographers or artists, or pet shops, must consider at least the following three criteria:
- Need a hungry crowd/audience and their specific desires
- Know exactly what the hungry crowd/audience wants and "why"
- Give it to them
Of course, in the case of successful marketing ideas for photographers, the most critical criterion is shooting quality photos.
We photographers know that plenty of people "want" to take pictures. But, we don't always focus on 'why' they want to take pictures. We can confuse ourselves by thinking that they want take a picture because we, the photographers, are "so" precious and valuable. Think about it! Let's use portraits. The reasons that a professional woman would want to take a photo are much different from the reasons that a teen-age boy would want to take a photo. Both are concerned at how they will look - but, for different reasons. The woman would want to look attractive, wise and intelligent. She wants her photo to convey professional and qualified credibility.
The teen would want to look popular, attractive and "hot" - to attract teen girls. Still, an elderly couple would want their photo to convey "tradition" and "family legacy." Any marketing ideas for photographers must know where the "hungry" audience is (that is, people that want to have their pictures taken) and they must consider the specific "whys" of their desires so that the photographer will know "exactly" why specific people want their photo taken.
Only when you consider "why" your specific audience wants to be photographed can you begin to provide appropriate "benefits" to them. And only when you deliver the "exact" benefits that they want will you be successful in your "stress" free marketing ideas.
Finally, marketing ideas for small businesses, photography or otherwise, must consider 1.) the need for an audience that wants to take pictures (that is "hungry"); 2.) knowing "exactly" what (benefit) your specific audience wants; and 3.) deliver "exactly" what they want.
To better understand this concept, the same sales marketing idea would apply if instead of photography the product being marketed is tooth paste. The benefits of the marketing ideas would include promising the teen boy a "more attractive mouth" - whiter teeth - to attract hot dates. The elder couple probably would find that the price of the tooth paste is a benefit. The professional woman might find that the tooth paste's promise of continually fresh breath as a significant reason/benefit for purchasing the tooth paste.
McDonald's, Pepsi and Nike "do it" to us regularly and consistently. McDonald's has determined that we "deserve to smile today." Pepsi includes us in the "in" generation. And, Nike assures us that we can accomplish our greatest dreams if we just "do it!"
The three mentioned marketers do what we photographers must do to be successful in our marketing ideas and activities - get inside the head of the audience. For photographers, it isn't visualizing your customer's images in your photographs. It is visualizing your customer's success (why they want to take great photos). Visualize your customer's desires successfully, constantly shoot quality photos and deliver "exactly" what they want, not what you want. The beauty of this method is astounding - when you fully commit your attention to your customer's wants and needs in lieu of your own, your needs automatically gets met.
Kalem Aquil is a 'semi-burnt-out' photographer that dispenses free, unsolicited (yet, very good and accurate) tips and advice to budding photographers that want to take their photography business to the next level. He dispenses such advice to budding photographers such as "where to start," "what to charge," "how to know if you're really, really ready," etc. etc. etc. He dispenses his free and unsolicited advice here. Subscribe to his free ezine, the "Best Amateur Photography Tips Digest," and receive a Bonus Special Report - "How To Build Your Own Successful Photography Website." Click here to subscribe.
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